Sunday, October 29, 2006

Wardround 27x6

This week's theme for the two minute talks was ACIS. This stimulated enough discussion to shunt the discussion paper to next week. Troponin levels in patients on dialysis programs were raised and it has been suggested that their levels may be elevated..Have a look at this article. Hopefully we will be told the average troponins in these patients next week (or post it in the comments). You can also look at this article about changing rates of myocardial infarction. Could I ask you to post the NNts for treatment in the comments section.

The read and think for 3xi6 will be Dr Bruno Sachs addresses an audience of first year medical students: an extract from the writing of Martin Winckler, French doctor and writer
Med. Humanities 2006; 32: 1-3.

Next week's topic is poisoning: I have left my notebook (paper type) at work and can only recall one person's assignment...I can I am sure trust you to own up to which is yours.
Carbon monoxide
Ethanol and methanol (JW)

Interesting topics
Systemic rheumatoid vasculitis
A very recent review Systemic rheumatoid vasculitis: A review. Marcia S. Genta et al. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. October 2006, pages 88-98


Monday, October 23, 2006

Wardrounds, by Allan Cameron

MP3 File

Wardround 20x6

The Theme for next week's tutorials is ACIS. Could we have two minutes please on the role of each of the following in ACIS:
Investigation ()
Thrombolysis (SS)
Anti-platelet agents (CO)
'Intervention' (CC)
Beta blockers (DK)

I feel that the ratio of mumbling chatter to intellectual discussion is getting out of the two minutes starts promptly when I say "go". Give out your handouts before the talks start. Keep it precise and concise, don't tell us the obvious. Remember that Dr Thomas wants some NNTs. Don't forget the NNH though.

The read and think for 27x6 will be Dr Bruno Sachs addresses an audience of first year medical students: an extract from the writing of Martin Winckler, French doctor and writer
Med. Humanities 2006; 32: 1-3.

Interesting topics
What does the pharmacist's symbol "Rx" mean?


Monday, October 09, 2006

Wardround 6x6

Brief I'm blog on holiday is to invite the family's wrath.

Next week's assignments:

Thrombocytopenia DK
Neutropenia SS
Lymphopenia CC
Pancytopenia ?

The reading is Diogenes syndrome

I'll be back after some R&R


Monday, October 02, 2006

The basic assessment of a patient with suspected muscle disease.

MP3 File

Wardround 29ix6

The theme for our tutorials this week was occupation related diease. I must say that I found this one of the most interestingsubjects we have done. Thank you to Dr Cameron for suggesting the subject. Perhaps everyone could post a one-liner about their particular subject, and advice on a source to read more, in the comments section? The prize this week toAC. I especially like the JAMA. 2006;296:1401-1404. I had rather mixed feelings about the paper. The discussion about the structure of an apology was perhaps useful but I was was a little concerned that an intervention such as this should be presented in such a positive way without the rigour (ie evidence for usefulness) usually attached to medical interventions. A ‘food for thought’; paper without doubt.

Next week we will address some practical problems faced by house officers. So two minutes please, concise and precise, on:

The confused patient (VJ)
Discharge against medical advice (AC)
The violent patient (DK)
‘The obs are fine but he’s just not right doctor’ (SS)

The paper for read and think is Mistakes. Ruth Lesnewski. JAMA. 2006;296:1327-1328.
Get the full text via elibrary

Interesting topics
Neurological problems due to B12 deficiency