Monday, October 29, 2007

Wardround 26x7

The paper for discussion on Tuesday will be The homeless man on morning rounds from The Midnight Meal and Other Essays about Doctors, Patients, and Medicine by Jerome Lowenstein. I have left a copy on the ward. ...and what is a home?

The two minute tutorials for Friday will have a respiratory theme.:
A respiratory history SS
CXR interpretation HJ
ABG interpretation AA
The approach to the (acutely) breathless patient JB

These will be a challenge. Remember to keep it concise yet precise. Don't try to squeeze too much information in. Produce a handout and quote your sources.

Interesting topics:
Has Chlamydia changed to Chlamydophila?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Extra-articular RA

A brief talk about extra-articular disease in RA.

If you cannot see the pictures look at this other version.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Wardround 5x7

Thank you for the talks on skin infection which I very much enjoyed. I hope you now have a background knowledge to help you choose, or guide the choice, of antibiotics and their route of administration. Remember to ask yourself "what can I do to reduce the likelihood of recurrence?" when you see a patient with these disorders. What would you do?

The two minute talks for next weekwill be on Atrial Fibrillation: two minutes please on the topics listed. Keep it concise yet precise, educate yourself and your colleagues, and quote your sources. Keep the info sheet short and simple.

assessing thrombotic risk AA
the case for rate control SYC
the case for rhythm control KM

If anybody else wishes to join the group they must bring a two minute talk.

I do not think there will be time for a discussion paper on Tuesday (reasons will become obvious) but for next week I would like you to read Risk: aspirin or car? in Bandolier. The original paper this refers to is available via the elibrary and is worth a look especially the discussion section.

What's More Dangerous, Your Aspirin Or Your Car? Thinking Rationally About Drug Risks (And Benefits). Cohen, Joshua T.; Neumann, Peter J.. Health Affairs, May/Jun2007, Vol. 26 Issue 3, p636-646; DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.26.3.636

Interesting topics this week:
Pseudobulbar palsy.