Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wardround 04xi05

Wow...we're in the BMJ this week. Netlines

This weeks two minute tutorials were themed around the U&E.

Sodium (Dr Szulakowski chose to give us a talk on inappropriate ADH. One might argue that is a disturbance of water tonicity/volume control, but perhaps its just me being pedantic).
Potassium (Dr Kidder)
Chloride (duet)
Creatinine (Dr Johnstone)
Bicarbonate (Dr Islam)

Naomi's talk on creatinine receives the prize for this week since she managed to give a precise and concise talk. I am afraid all the others tried to fit too much into the limited time. The task of presenting a two minute talk on a subject is difficult (at first) and clearly most of you are very try to give me as much as possible...but there is only so much that can be said in two minutes.

More musing on two minute tutorials. These are a discipline. If you can learn how to distill the fruits of your reading into this short time you will be able to produce revision notes very easily. When the time comes to move on and give longer talks you will be able to build them up in two minute sized aliquots. Believe me, when you go to pick up that Nobel prize, you may not thank me, but I will be running around shouting 'I taught her how to give a concise .talk'.

Next week's tutorial theme is 'common drugs' are the assignments:

DK Furosemide
CT Coamoxiclav (go on, make Dr J proud of you)
NJ Salbutamol
PS Paracetamol
GAJ (free choice....)
MJM (mmmmmm...I'll take them in the comments section)

Interesting topics this week


Wikis: if you don't know what a wiki is have a look at Wikipedia. I hope we can put together a wardround wiki (see link to the right) collecting the information from our discussions. I have put together a couple of pages on the normal ECG and reporting ETTs. At the moment it is hosted externally but we should have an in house wiki soon which could contain the doctor's handbook...I have pasted some pages from the last (ie out of date) handbook but BEWARE a colleague has vandalised some pages to illustrate a point. We do not advocate giving Elephant guns to aggressive patients.

Next week's reading:
Our wiki page on reporting an ETT (link is to the right)

A paper for your collection:
Treatment of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Stephen I Rennard. Lancet
28 August 2004, Pages 791-802

Don't forget your two minute tutorials, just two minutes worth. All knowledge can be categorised as:

Must know
Should know
Nice to know
Don't need to know

Which will you include in your talk?


MP3 File


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,
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Dr.M.Emmanuel Bhaskar

Mike McMahon said...

Dr Jones....morphine
Dr McMahon....warfarin