Next week’s two minute tutorial theme will be psychiatric disease on the medical unit. So that we might might avoid unpleasant embarrassment we will limit this to psychiatric disorders manifest by patients rather than staff.
Drug associated psychiatric disorders SS
Delerium RP
Acute psychosis DK
Depression TJ
Schizophrenia CS
Alcohol RK
Remember two minutes only. The aim is to inform the group. Keep the talks concise yet precise, and quote your sources.
The read and think last week was White coats and fingerprints: diagnostic reasoning in medicine and investigative methods of fictional detectives. C Rapezzi, R Ferrari, A Branzi. BMJ 2005;331:1491-1494 (24 December), doi:10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1491. There is additional material on bmj.com.
I feel that the discussion was rather limited so we will have another go at the same paper this week.
Interesting topics
Brain tumours
Status Epilepticus: have alook at the topic at http://www.eboncall.org/
Interesting fact: if the stroke volume of the left heart becomes reduced by 1ml compared to the right ventricle, about a litre of extra blood will accumulate in the lungs within 15 minutes.
PS why the garden of earthly delights?
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