Friday, May 09, 2008

Wardround 9v8

Our discussion this week, in the absence of a paper to read, was about improving practice by Morbidity and mortality meetings. We will now run an M&M meeting on the last Thursday of each month. There is an M&M folder in the Nurses office. All deaths for the month should be listed there. The GAJ team will review MJM patients and vice versa. The Necessary patients notes will need to be pulled the week before.

Our two minute talks were about the investigation of malignancy of unknown origin. A useful discussion I think. We heard about the more common cancers nad discussed how that should guide our history, examination and investigation. The use of tumour markers produced further discussion, which can I think be generalised to the use of many tests in medicine.

For next week:

The reading for discussion on Tuesday will be DNR or PEACE. J Crampton. BMJ 2008;336:1015

Read it, think, and share your thoughts.

The two minute talks for Friday will be about Poisoning:

Paracetamol (ST)

Carbon Monoxide (NV)

Methanol (EM)

Tricyclics (YA)

The usual advice. Keep it concise and precise, quote your sources and make a handout. Having heard your talk I should be able to manage a poisoned patient. The handout should be visual rather than textual. Example.

Interesting Topics

Group A streptococci

Do you know what streptococcal toxic shock is? UpToDate also has some good articles on the subject.


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