Monday, August 16, 2010


The reading for Tuesday 24th will be Assessing a learning disabled patient's capacity to manage his own care and make important decisions. Read the material and share your thoughts with the team.

Friday 2oth two minute talks are on the topic of cellulitis: epidemiology; diagnosis; treatment (uncomplicated case); complicated cellulitis; recurrent cellulitis. Keep it concise yet precise. Quote your sources.

Pre-warning for Friday 27th because it might take a little more work...
Thucydides described of the plague of Athens, in 431BC in The History of the Peloponnesian War. If you click on the link it will take you to a copy of the piece. The web page begins with chapter VI, but you can skip down to chapter VII (unless you would like to read about the war). If you cannot find the right section, press ctrl-F and type in plague. The challenge is to make a diagnosis. You will have two minutes to make your case for the diagnosis of your choice. We will then have a chat about how you would manage the situation.


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