This week’s two minute talks were about emergencies: I have uploaded Dr Gunn’s summary sheet for anaphylaxis since it so impressed me.
A general learning point for all the emergencies is the need to consider the practicalities as well as the treatment. So get help quickly and put people to use as they show up (e.g. “put a line in the right arm, please”...”go and read the case notes”...”call the ITU consultant” etc). Know the doses of drugs you might need to use urgently. All the emergencies require the usual attention to ABCDE.
Sudden loss of consciousness (MR): get help, ABCDE, remember BM, rashes, OD.
Hypoglycaemia (MR): get help, ABCDE, remember unusual presentations: LOC, fits, TIA, blindness, apparently drunk. Be aware especially in those with chronic liver disease.
Anaphylaxis: get help, ABCDE, lots of fluids, oxygen, adrenaline, chlorpheniramine, steroids. 3mg of adrenaline is 3mls of 1:1000.
For next week’s talks we would like two minutes on your favourite book or film. The only caveat is that it must have a medical connection.
The paper for discussion on Tuesday is A field guide to experts.
Andrew D Oxman, Iain Chalmers, Alessandro Liberati.
BMJ 2004;329:1460-1463
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