Sunday, December 24, 2006

Wardround 22xii6

Merry Christmas!

Our two minute talks this week were on a favourite book/film/text, with relevence to medicine. I am pleased that this produced such an eclectic bag of goodies.

The choices were:

Jaws (Peter Benchley/Steven Spielberg): for, as Mark would have us believe, the inspiration to study shark attacks and develop a plan to manage such attacks.

The House of God (Samuel Shem): Before you walk a path, it is useful to read of those who went before. A must for all residents.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine: A torch in the darkness (ignorance) of the first months of training. I am too old to have had one as a resident. Medical books were still in Latin back then. (Abite in malum rem).

My Sister’s Keeper (Jodi Picoult): for the ethical dilemmas. (A Richard and Judy recommendation, no says Mrs Wardround).

Good Bye Lenin (Dir W Becker): truth and deception. Can deception, with the best of intentions, be right?

Scrubs: be presented with medical/ethical dilemmas disguised as comedy. Use as an aid when reflecting on your own actions and decisions...or those of others.

M*A*S*H: ditto.


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