Monday, August 20, 2007

Wardround 17viii7

The Roth Spot is a white-centered hemorrhage. It is a cotton wool spot surrounded by hemorrhage. The cotton wool comes from ischemic bursting of axons; the small hemorrhage comes from ischemic bursting of a pre-capillary arteriole. It is not specific to bacterial endocarditis.

I will scan in this week's handouts on HSVE and JE. The prize for best talk this week goes to Dr Anderson for a novel way of presenting the information about Japanese encephalitis.

Herpes simplex encephalitis
Japanese encephalitis

The talks this week are your diagnostic choices for the plague of Athens. Read the article and come up with a diagnosis. You have two minutes to convince the group you are correct.

The History of the Peloponnesian War written by Thucydides in 431 B.C. If you click on the link it will take you to a copy of the piece. The web page begins with chapter VI, but you can skip down to chapter VII (unless you would like to read about the war). If you cannot find the right section, press ctrl-F and type in plague.

Don't forget to read Does this patient have abnormal central venous pressure? Cook, Deborah J; Simel, David L JAMA; Feb 28, 1996; vol 275 (8): 630-634, for Tuesday.

Interesting topics


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