Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wardround 15ii8

A good attempt (first/second stabs) at the two minute talks on Friday. Much effort for so little gain. But this is the point of training...getting better. Next week we have Neuropathy as our topics, split into acute, subacute and chronic. Ask yourself "what do I want to learn?" "what do I want my colleagues to remember?" " how can I get he message accross so they remember?"

Then prune it to two minutes, keep it concise and yet precise and quote your sources. make a handout to get the message accross. And be realistic; no one will read a 400 word A4 handout but they will glance at pictures. And another piece of advice. Have the handouts ready before the wardround starts.

Here is my old podcast on Neuropathy

It won't be visible inside DGRI but it is also available here.

The reading for Tuesday is The Interpreter of Facts, HW Horowitz. JAMA 2008; 299: 497-498.
Get it from the elibrary, or be old-fashioned and caress the journal in your own hands. Read and think.

Interesting Topics

Status Epilepticus


1 comment:

EducatedNobody said...

Hey, been listening on and off for a few years now. Its good stuff. Thanks again.