The reading for Tuesday is Clinical craft: a lesson from Liverpool. D M Gore. Journal of Medical Ethics 27:74-75 (2001). Read and think.
The talks this week were about rheumatological presentations to admissions units. Well done to Dr Lewin for a well presented (and acutely timed) talk on the red eye, diarrhoea, sore joints syndrome, and with little warning. It is worth having a looke at the recently produced guidelines for the hot swollen joint. By the way (SZ) it wasn't that difficult to find, being the second hit when I googled it. You might want to see my summary sheet. In dealing with the various scenarios, I would recommend differentiating joint/muscle symptoms with or without objective signs and with or without involvement of other organ systems. SIRS is sepsis until you know otherwise.
The talks for next week are about stroke. Thrombolysis (NN), anti-platelet treatment (MR) and surgical treatments (KL). Two minutes please, keep it precise and concise, quote your sources and give a handout you would be proud to be shown in twenty years....yes I am that cruel.
Interesting topic
Pulmonary Embolism
Hereditary Thrombophilia
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