The two minute tutorials this week were about diabetic retinopathy with Clinical features by NM and Management by VJ. Both were well prepared talks for such a broad subject. Dr Mohan gets this week’s prize (quoted his sources which included this which is worth a look. He has also posted more information at http://kmneo.blogspot.com/
This week’s reading was "Stepford doctors": an allegory. GM Sayers. Medical Humanities 2006;32:57-58. It seems more an analogy than allegory, and I am not sure that I agree completely with the article. Presumably it has been written to stimulate thought (and discussion) regarding the part doctors play in health care. It ends with this paragraph: This allegory cannot be concluded because it is ongoing. Some doctors refused to "reform" and transform into "Stepford doctors". They believed that their allegiance lay with their patients and not the masters. Those who did not leave the profession (as many did) remain part of the lineage from which they stemmed. They continue to defend the freedom to practise the sort of medicine their patients want. Only time will tell whether these doctors become extinct or manage to inspire their followers to reclaim their vocation. What do you think?
Next week’s reading is The plague of Athens. The link for reading is in last week’s post (see below). You must decide on a diagnosis and will have two minutes to make your case on the 18th August.
Interesting topics this week
Hyperkalaemia (beware Lo-salt preparations)
Septic shock
Atrial fibrillation
Toxic confusional states
Cannabis lung
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