The reading for this week and the two minute talks were themed around the Plague of Athens. All well thought out with logical approaches to diagnosis. The internet is full of sites discussing the possible diagnoses, but you might find this article useful:
The cause of the plague of Athens: plague, typhoid, typhus, smallpox, or measles? Burke A. Cunha, Infect Dis Clin N Am 18 (2004) 29–43.
Now I know DL had difficulty getting these out of the eLibrary but I have tried again today and could access the PDFs without difficulty (except having to enter my athens password twice). Go on take the challenge…access this journal on-line. I have left a copy on the ward if you are unsuccessful. This copy of Infect Dis Clin N Am has a historical theme and the other articles are worth a look. I particularly liked:
Osler on typhoid fever: differentiating typhoid from typhus and malaria. Cunha BA. Dis Clin North Am. 2004 Mar;18(1):111-25.
Next week’s two minute tutorials are on hospital acquired infection:
Dr Mohan will be leaving us but those left behind can fight on. Hosp. acquired UTI (Dr Lindsay), Hospital Acquired pneumonia (Dr Williams). Two minutes please keep it concise and precise.
The reading for next week is for once quite up to date. Changing the Paradigm for HIV Testing — The End of Exceptionalism. Ronald Bayer, Amy L. Fairchild. NEJM August 17 2006, Volume 355:647-649. Read and think
Interesting topics this week
Ankylosing spondylitis
Typical/Atypical chest pain
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